Dear Institutional Partner:

Greetings from Storykit! We are a social enterprise and are reaching out to you to partner with our Give A Child the Gift of A Story program in bringing the gift of stories to our children. Storykit is suitable for children of all learning abilities, and has been successfully tested by UNESCO in government primary schools.

Each child receives a picture book, a game, and the online audio link for the story included in the storykit. The storykit is introduced with an interactive storytelling session. With the help of individual sponsors we have already conducted over 50 (FIFTY) Give A Child the Gift of A Story sessions for 1,250 children in underprivileged schools and given out 1,250 storykits. These sessions can be viewed at the Storykit channel.

The FAQ are provided to help you learn more about the program. Kindly feel free to contact me with any other queries you might have. I very much look forward to having your organization on board for the program.


Musharraf Ali Farooqi | Founder and CEO, Storykit (Private) Limited

Cell: 0300-826-8784 |Email: